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Temporary Cross-Listing


All temporary cross-listing arrangements must be approved by Academic Programs (AP). AP will assign a controlling unit that will ultimately be responsible for course content, regardless of who staffs the course.

All requests for temporary cross-lists should establish course numbers at the same level. The establishment of a temporary cross-list involving more than one level ordinarily would not be allowed unless the unit can justify, through special petition, that it cannot adhere to the course numbering system and that the course may be appropriate for students at different levels and in different degree programs.

View the full temporary cross-list policy.

Procedures Heading link

There is no early deadline for temporary cross-list forms, but they must be turned in before the beginning of the semester.

1. Complete the temporary cross-listing form to cross-list existing sections of a course for one term only. Save the form, fill it out, and then print it.

2. Ideally this form should be filled out by the unit requesting a temporary cross-list (the non-controlling course). Each unit involved in the cross-list should sign the form and add appropriate information as needed.

3. Controlling College: Please email the original to Monica Soto-Malfavon. An email will be sent to each approving unit when processing is complete.

4. For additional information regarding the temporary cross-listing of courses, contact Academic Programs.